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Event Details

Virtual Professional Development Series: The Shifting Public Health Landscape and School Re-entry

  • 07/09/2020
  • 2:00 PM - 3:30 PM

CHES/MCHES recertification credits are offered for the upcoming series of virtual professional development events. You only need to register one time for all events. Contact Fran Anthony Meyer, PhD, CHES®, , to receive the registration information.

Session Description: Every state and school district is struggling with how to effectively manage the public health risks of COVID-19 while simultaneously resuming the core functions of schools and curriculum programming. This public health crisis has had a physical and emotion impact that will exist for many years. Within this scenario, the Society of State Leaders of Health and Physical Education (the Society) remains committed to working with colleagues in departments of education and health across the country, many partner organizations, as well as state- and district-level leaders to support the health and well-being of school staff, high quality professional development, meaningful instruction in school health and physical education, and academic progress of all students. In this process, we are cognizant of needs of vulnerable student groups such as early learners, ESL pupils, students experiencing homelessness, economically disadvantaged students, and students with disabilities. Through a series of professional development events during the summer and fall, the Society strives to offer access to model guidance documents, technical assistance, collegial support, best practices in a new instructional era, and alternate teaching and learning solutions to continue quality instruction under evolving circumstances. This session on The Shifting Public Health Landscape and School Re-entry is designed to address the following objectives.

Learning Objectives

  • Educate national, state, and district-level leaders about how the COVID-19 pandemic exacerbates existing disparities
  • Share state planning models for fall school re-entry of staff and students
  • Provide support and technical assistance to state and district leaders who are developing and implementing school re-entry plans
  • Facilitate a discussion with national and state level leaders on how to access policy and program resources


Facilitator – Darryl Daily, Associate in Physical Education, New York State Education Department

  • Kymm Ballard, Ph.D, Kymm Ballard Consulting; Jamie Sparks, MA, School Health Program Manager, ETR
  • Rosemary Reilly-Chammat, Ed.D, Coordinator of Coordinated School Health Programs, Rhode Island Department of Education
  • Stephanie Bunge, M.Ed, CHES®, School Health Consultant, Kentucky Department of Education
  • Ellen Essick, PhD, Section Chief, Specialized Instructional Support and Healthy Schools, North Carolina Department of Public Instruction
  • Group Discussion 

Zoom Meeting Invitation

Topic: The Shifting Public Health Landscape and School Re-entry
Time: Jul 9, 2020 02:00 PM Eastern Time (US and Canada)

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12406 W Dalrymple Street
Boise, ID 83709

Shaping a Healthier Future for Kids


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