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The Society
of State Leaders of
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Event Details

Professional Development Series #6: Connecting Mental Health and Academic Achievement: An Imperative for School Re-entry

  • 08/06/2020
  • 2:00 PM - 3:30 PM

CHES/MCHES recertification credits for the previous and the upcoming open virtual professional development events. You only need to register one time for all events. Contact Fran Anthony Meyer, Ph.D., CHES,, to receive the registration information. As with the previous sessions, this August 6 session is open to Society members, other staff members at state departments of education, and professionals who support the work of staff members in departments of education. Future sessions virtual conference sessions will be designed to specifically serve Society members.

Session Description:

This webinar will offer guidance from Society member states and non-governmental organizations (NGOs) on strategies for returning to active learning, in-person or virtually. In doing so, it is important to address social and emotional learning and mental and behavioral health needs simultaneously. Students and staff members, alike, need to feel that their physical and mental health needs are supported. Learn how to leverage the mind/body/heart connection to enhance academic content while supporting colleagues to navigate the compounded challenges of a global pandemic, an economic recession, and social unrest.

Learning Objectives, with Competencies:

  • Apply principles of evidence-based practice in selecting and/or designing strategies/interventions 2.3.3
  • Identify delivery methods and settings to facilitate learning 2.3.6
  • Provide support and technical assistance to those implementing the plan 3.2.6


Moderator ??? Darryl Daily, Associate in Physical Education, New York State Education Department

Carri Manchester, Associate in Educational Planning & Evaluation, New York State Education Department

Kat Satterley, Healthy Schools and Communities/RISE Program Manager, Alliance for a Healthier Generation

Jamie Sparks, School Health Program Manager, ETR

Future Professional Development: This August 6 session also is a precursor to the member virtual conference in September and early October, in collaboration with other NGOs and partner groups, especially the American School Health virtual conference. Some topics under discussion for the fall event(s) include: PD for the virtual, hybrid, in-person learning; diversity, equity, and inclusion in the health and physical education classrooms; social justice; and much more. Let us know other issues/topics to address.

The ZOOM link will be sent closer to the Session time.

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The Great Body Shop

Puberty: The Wonder Years



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© The Society of State Leaders of Health and Physical Education
12406 W Dalrymple Street
Boise, ID 83709

Shaping a Healthier Future for Kids


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