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Event Details

Health & Physical Literacy Summit 2022

  • 02/13/2022
  • 02/15/2022
  • Birmingham, Alabama

Hyatt Regency Birmingham – The Wynfrey Hotel
Registration Information: Health and Physical Literacy Summit 2022

The Society is a partner with several organizations engaged in the health and physical literacy conversation and movement. As a part of that discussion, the Society is engaged in a second national Health and Physical Literacy Summit (2020 and 2022). The Summit is a professional development opportunity focusing on the application of the dimensions of health and physical literacy. Whether individuals work in K-12 education, state level agencies, higher education, or a clinical/community setting, the Summit is relevant professional development. Sessions will focus on topical areas that support health and physical literacy including health, physical education, research, physical activity, dance, and sport. Following is a list of professional development sessions specifically organized by the Society. Professionals seeking CHES®/MCHES® credit will have a wealth of opportunity over the multiple days. Come join us for the live discussion and networking.

2022 Society-Sponsored Sessions
during the Health and Physical Literacy Summit (HPL)

Throughout the day, sessions will use interactive processes to help individual participants: gain knowledge and insights necessary to create positive, healthy learning environments; explore personal attitudes about health and physical literacy; learn about obstacles that may impede program implementation; and consider strategies used to promote health and physical literacy. 

By the end of these sessions, participants will:

  • recognize that health and movement literacy are critical to positive growth and development.
  • identify specific challenges that may impede individual’s or group’s capacities for achieving success.
  • understand strategies state education leaders use to address challenges of school districts and communities in supporting health-promoting learning and services.
  • identify free or low-cost resources that can increase educators’ capacity to implement effective, age-appropriate programs and services.

The professional development CECH Areas/Competencies addressed are: Area II/Competency 2.4, 2.5; Area VI, 6.2, 6.3; Area VII, 7.4.9


February 14, 2022 – 8:30 a.m. to 5:15 p.m.

8:30– 9:45 a.m.

General Session Speaker: Physical Activity and Mental Health

Steven Petruzzello, Department of Kinesiology and Community Health, University of Illinois

It is critical that we talk about physical activity and mental health across the lifespan, with discussion of the importance of increasing physical activity and the concomitant influences that would have on mental health

10:00 – 11:00 am

Challenges for State Leadership in Serving as Ambassadors for Health Literacy

Panel Moderator: Fran Anthony Meyer, Executive Director, Society of State Leaders of Health and Physical Education

Panelists: Ellen Essick, Section Chief, Healthy Schools & Specialized Support, North Carolina Department of Public Instruction; Lori Paisley, Senior Director, District Operations, Tennessee Department of Education; Therese McGuire, Program Specialist, Health & Physical Education, Georgia Department of Education; Jonathan Thompson, Specialist, Health Education, Physical Education & Adapted Physical Education, Alabama Department of Education

Today, individuals working in state leadership roles face unprecedented demands. Recently, the positions have become everchanging landscapes. Individuals are expected to have broad knowledge of curriculum and their interconnections, pre-service and in-service training, student health and safety services, relevant legislation, and funding options. They are expected to unite state agencies, higher education, local schools, and non-governmental groups to produce positive outcomes. This session will share information about how state leaders effectively tackle current challenges.

11:15 am – 12:15 pm

 Lunch on Your Own

12:30 – 1:30 pm

Understanding and Appreciating Diversity and How to Apply Inclusive and Equitable Practices

Fran Anthony Meyer, Executive Director, Society of State Leaders of Health and Physical Education

Tarin Hampton, Professor/Department Chair, Health, Physical Education & Exercise Science, Norfolk State University

This interactive session will allow participants to explore their personal knowledge of and attitudes about diversity issues within their environment. They will explain ways the diversity has impacted their lives. They also will identify a conceptual framework for understanding dimensions of diversity among individuals and within specific populations. Further, participants will learn about strategies for increasing their ability to be inclusive and impartial when interacting with students, faculty, family, or community members.

1:45 – 2:45 p.m.

Erin’s Law: The Power of Prevention

Lori Paisley, Senior Director, District Operations, Tennessee Department of Education

Erin’s Law requires states to study or implement a child sexual abuse prevention program. We teach our students how to respond to weather emergencies and security threats, but we must do more to teach our students personal body safety and age-appropriate ways to recognize child sexual abuse and to tell a trusted adult. Among cases of child sexual abuse reported to law enforcement, 93% are known to the victim. Educating students at different age levels on this sensitive topic can be difficult. Ensuring that our schools have the resources they need to educate students, school staff and parents will improve prevention and response.

3:00 – 4:00 p.m.

What is a Green Ribbon School?

Jonathan Thompson, Specialist, Health Education, Physical Education & Adapted Physical Education, Alabama Department of Education

Michal Robinson, Alabama Department of Education

Explore the U.S. Department of Education’s three achievement areas, also known as pillars. These pillars provide collaborative structures for educators, families, and community partners to cultivate equitable, culturally based, socio-ecological systems learning and sustainable decision-making utilizing “field based” science education. Via these school-based partnerships, students engage in STEM, civics-based, and green career pathways activities that emphasize reducing environmental impact and costs, improving health and wellness, and creating effective, sustainable methods that positively impact the environment.

4:15 – 5:15 p.m.

 Leveraging Partnerships: Building the Capacity for Success

Therese McGuire, Program Specialist, Health & Physical Education, Georgia Department of Education

Georgia’s partnership began in response to a need around improving student fitness in schools. Its success has been recognized nationally and continues to grow. This session will chronicle how partners from education, public health, universities, non-profits and philanthropic entities came together and continue to work together.


February 15, 2022 – 8:30 a.m. to 5:15 p.m.

8:30– 9:45 a.m.

General Session Speaker: Re-imagining Health Literacy: Keeping Our Focus and Moving Forward

Michelle Hutchinson, Health Literacy Lead, Office of Communication Science, Office of the Associate Director or Communication, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)

The definition of health literacy has changed over the decades, but one thing has remained the same: The majority of adults struggle to understand and use personal and public health information. Research shows that limited health literacy affects people’s ability to search for and use health information, adopt healthy behaviors, and act on important public health alerts. Limited health literacy is also associated with worse health outcomes and higher costs to the healthcare system.

Healthcare organizations, educational institutions, government agencies, companies, and professionals that share health information with the public have an obligation to make that information easy to find, understand, and use so people can make informed health-related decisions and take action.

In this exciting, interactive keynote address, Dr. Hutchinson will discuss how health literacy definitions have changed, how you can build a health-literate organization, and how different sectors can work together to meet the health literacy needs of different audiences. She will also share health literacy success stories and what we can do to keep moving forward. By the end of this keynote address, you'll be energized for the day ahead and eager to lead health literacy initiatives in your workplace or community.


Teaching and Practicing Social Justice through Dance

Tarin Hampton, Professor/Department Chair, Health, Physical Education & Exercise Science, Norfolk State University

Fran Anthony Meyer, Executive Director, Society of State Leaders of Health and Physical Education

More to come on this and other sessions

Our Sponsors

The Great Body Shop

Puberty: The Wonder Years



Our Partners

© The Society of State Leaders of Health and Physical Education
12406 W Dalrymple Street
Boise, ID 83709

Shaping a Healthier Future for Kids


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