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The Society
of State Leaders of
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Event Details

Current Topics for Health and Physical Education State Leaders

  • 05/26/2022
  • 2:00 PM - 4:00 PM
  • Online


Registration is closed

Session Description: Sharing of Ideas and Resources for current issues including Sexuality Education and Equity, Diversion, Inclusion

Topics include:

  1. Sexuality Education
  2. Equity, Diversion, Inclusion (EDI)


Mary Beth Swydlowski, MPH, CHES Associate Director, Healthy and Supportive Schools- Advocates for Youth, Washington, D.C.

Dr. Tara Blackshear, Assistant Professor of Kinesiology-Physical Education Teacher, Towson University- Maryland, USA

Learning Objectives: 

Objectives for the session:

  • Provide Society members with updates of the organization and committees.
  • Assisting health and physical educators to navigate difficult conversations around race through identity mapping and policy and practice analyses. 
  • Health and physical educators will also examine the effects of racism on physical activity, health, and well-being and how to confront the harmful effects to achieve equity for all students. 
  • Discuss the current state of sexual health education in the United States.
  • Identify at least 2 resources for states and their school districts to address sexual health education and training.
  • Collaborate and provide support to fellow state and district leaders.

Registration Required: The Zoom link will be sent 24-48 hours prior to the event to all that register. Please use the following link to register: TBD

Recertification Units Provided: Please inform Fran Anthony Meyer, PhD, CHES® if you want recertification credits for this session ( 

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Puberty: The Wonder Years



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© The Society of State Leaders of Health and Physical Education
12406 W Dalrymple Street
Boise, ID 83709

Shaping a Healthier Future for Kids


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