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Event Details
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Session Description: Come learn how Title IV, part A and the Stronger Connections Grant can fund high quality and evidence-based Health and Physical Education initiatives.
Learning Objective: Attendees will explore and discuss available federal funding options that support health and physical education programs including Title IV-A funding and Stronger Connections Grant funds with a goal to impact state level advocacy efforts in fiscal year 24 grants.
Society Members Only Registration Not Required Zoom link has been sent to members.
Jodi Parker is the Health and Physical Education Specialist and Title IVA Coordinator for the Utah State Board of Education (USBE).
Keri Schoeff currently serves as the Title IV-A Safe, Healthy & Active Students Specialist for the Arizona Department of Education in the Educator and School Excellence Unit.
Recertification Units Provided: Please inform Fran Anthony Meyer, PhD, CHES® by March 3, 2023 if you want CHES®/ MCHES® recertification credits for this session (
Technical Issues: Patricia Stewart is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting. If there are technical difficulties prior to or during the session, please contact Pat at or 208-869-6260.
© The Society of State Leaders of Health and Physical Education 12406 W Dalrymple Street Boise, ID Shaping a Healthier Future for Kids